Mark Hamilton – One’s Journey Through Life

Mark Hamilton touches on the journey through life to become the person you want to be.

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24 Responses to Mark Hamilton – One’s Journey Through Life

  1. Juanita Heckel says:

    If you knew that every physical action you took saved a life, would you do it? When I post about the 3000 year old secret that is how I feel! Thank you Mark Hamilton for bringing this forward. Now all I can do, is all I can do, and I will blast the 3000 year old secret across the web. I will tweet, I will give it 200% of all my energy!! Make All The People Rich, Including The Poor!

  2. Rosa Lerblance says:

    My journey in life became somewhat easier as I started to integrate the
    knowledge. It took me 2 and half years to get where I am today. Sitting here
    right now thinking back I would do it again. I feel at times integration makes
    me shed my skin a little at time. I have taken this long to learn the knowledge
    because of mysticism. It blocked my mind and covered my eyes to what is.
    I am so grateful for who I am today. Thank You Mr. Hamilton.

  3. Karen Lorraine Venn says:

    Integration is the key to life; Thanks Mark Hamilton

  4. Seeing through illusions, and integrating the value, releases your creative potential

  5. LC Grays says:

    Keep up the good work from your friends on the west.

  6. Liz Szarka says:

    When one examines and integrates the literature of Mark Hamilton, and when one examines what the Twelve Visions Party is all about, one awakens and reunites with his/her child of the past and finds the spark of life that reminds – life is a journey of infinite potential….we can choose that our life path be one of honest, infinite potential realized in happiness…..

  7. Marcus Savage says:

    My journey through life has been somewhat fulfilling but more challenging. For the most part I have tried to resolve my experiences for the better. As an undergraduate student working towards a profession, I’ve had my share of doubt when it came to picturing myself with all the qualifications (a degree) and not being able to put it to use. Or maybe in a position where my potential is very restricted and the pressure produce is nearly unbearable. I’ve stuck things out, and stayed true to my heart. I’ve realized that when I take complete responsibility for my own thoughts, actions, and interactions I experience my true human nature of living prosperous and happily. My strongest essence as a visual artist is something I constantly work on to master, appreciate, and share more than ever in the Twelve Visions World.

  8. Gregory Klatt says:

    It’s about Stimulation and also I believe when any one person is on the Journey to have , Be and Do what they want, they will automatically and Enthusiastically tell about their Journey just as those will eagerly listen because they want the same Exhilerating Life.

  9. Marcia says:

    Only The Prime Law has the power to,
    “Allow The Honest Integrated Geniuses Of Society, The Power To Create Freely”.
    Finally, “real freedom” to be the creative geniuses that we were honestly meant to be!
    The journey that allows YOU to become the best person that YOU were honestly meant to be, begins with Visionary, Author and Founder, “Mark Hamilton”, his Neothink Books, Neothink Society, Neothink Clubhouses and Twelve Visions Party!

  10. Russ Creamer says:

    They will discover their purpose and become motivated.

  11. Lisa Newton says:

    Oh yeah, that is what they want to hear, and that is what they want to belong to…how could anyone not want to hear about that most exciting journey into one’s self? And by hearing about my story, they get to imagine making that journey themselves, into their own deepest depths, finding that person they were always meant to be-that one they’d imagined themselves to be, back when their young self could still imagine an awesome, inspiring story for their future–instead of their disappointing now–which they’d give anything to change…yes, and we get to be their ‘fairy godmother/father’ who helps them live their dreams. How powerful, and fun!

  12. Maria C Rodriguez says:

    I love the person that I am today! and all came since I started in the Neothink Society.
    I don’t want to change my new life, for anything in this world.

  13. The neothink sociey and the TVP has the tools, to let every person to become what he/she wants to be, I would encorage the neothink power-approach to you all.

  14. tyrone burch says:

    If a person take a neo-think approach to life it will lead to an exhilarating journey that takes a person out of the stagnant rut that most people live.

  15. Richard Crookshank says:

    Creating values is the secret to life.

  16. Lila Bennett says:

    To me it is important to write my own stories and read those of other Members. This is very inspiring and stimulating to me to get it just right for myself and to see how others have come through their journeys thus far…Our personal story of our Journey actually shows our processing abilities and how we come to transition from a present situation to a better and more fulfilling life. Of how we start out at one point in ourselves and come to become our most evolved Self, etcetcetc!!!
    Love, Lila

  17. Russ Creamer says:

    I love my new journey.

  18. Gregory Klatt says:

    Telling New Members of the Amazing Journey we are on and what we expect to accomplish in life is what they want to hear and it’s also Stimulation.

  19. Thank you Mark Hamilton. This is the most exhilerating journey I’ve ever been on!!
    Makes the child in me say Weeeeeeeeeee!!!

  20. The Prime Literature, and attending Clubhouse Meetings, integrates, and
    actualizes the potential for you as a person, to become that person you were meant to be!

  21. Russ Creamer says:

    That is what got me interested. I wanted to become the person I was ment to be. So someone else needs to hear it to.

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