Mark Hamilton – Focus of The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton details out the Focus of the Twelve Visions Party.

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22 Responses to Mark Hamilton – Focus of The Twelve Visions Party

  1. Rosa Lerblance says:

    I believe in the Twelve Visions Party and know it will change our world completely.
    I am an officer of the Twelve Visions Party and proud of it. It feels good to give
    give back and help in any way I can to put the Twelve Visions Party in place.

  2. Karen Lorraine Venn says:

    We need this program more than ever, especially The Twelve Visions Party; to make everyone wealthy including the poor, will be great beyond compare. Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating The Twelve Visions Party

  3. Marcia says:

    The Twelve Visions Party(TVP) is a Protection-Only Government, is not about politics and power and will depoliticize America, making the only rule of law “The Prime Law”. The Prime Law Of Protection and The Protection-Only Budget are the tools to arrest the rule of man and make all the people rich including the poor.

  4. Lisa Newton says:

    I have found that to be so true, Mark, that as you understand the difficulties and hardships which so many people go through in this AC, it’s almost impossible not to care deeply, and feel compassion and love for them. The possibilities offered by the TVP, the complete change in reality, is such a boon, it makes my heart warm just thinking about it. And everything we offer is Real–that’s the most beautiful part! No BS, no illusions, no encouraging them to grasp at straws of delusions designed to keep them under the thumb of power. Wow! Just imagine how people’s lives will change, and we get to be a part of that incredible shift…what a gift.

  5. says:

    What are you talking about removing man.That’s kinda confusing. Maybe you should make it clear. Whatever happens, living breathing souls will always be living breathing souls whatever technology does. Just wanted to make that totally clear.

  6. Gregory Klatt says:

    The way to remove Man from the Equation is the Prime Law.

  7. Lila Bennett says:

    In our present economicly suppressed USA, so many of us have come to desperate circumstances, where we were able to hold on to what we had achieved prior to today.
    Even if we were not born into poverty we can know the taste, at least at some time in our lives. Poverty can encompass more than just our physical circumstances, we have learned. However, there are principles within this Neothink Society that come to enrich those of us who embrace these truths. Thus, the LOVE grows, and eventually has to reach out to others from our Within! This Love is real….

    Love, Lila

  8. Russ Creamer says:

    The world is in terrible shape. The Twelve Visions Party will lead us to a new life.


  10. Richard Crookshank says:

    Useing the laws of nature as you taught us is the way to win, brilliant.

  11. Russ Creamer says:

    The Twelve Visions Party is the only REAL Party.

  12. Gregory Klatt says:

    This is what TVP is all about, to bring the Civilization of the Universe to the World.

  13. Everyone in the Neothink Society needs to Join-in, for the Success of
    the Twelve Visions Party, and personal Success!

  14. Russ Creamer says:

    I surport the Twelve Visions Party.

  15. Russ Creamer says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for being very real. The TVP is awsome.

  16. Russ Creamer says:

    The Twelve Visions Party = Great Stimulation.

  17. Russ Creamer says:

    My love have grown many times. I feel awsome. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

  18. Marcia says:

    Atlast, “Real”Liberty And Justice, For All The People Including The Poor!

    Thankful To Mark Hamilton And His”Twelve Visions Party”…..For all Eternity.

  19. Russ Creamer says:

    I was raised by a poor family. I can hardly wait to see all my friends, family, and neighbors rich. I love people very much and I want the best for them.

  20. I am so proud of the Twelve Visions Party. After learning of the Twelve Vision,
    I am so excited to see one day in the near future The Twelve Visions become
    Americas destiny, The world destiny. The Twelve Visions World cannot happen
    soon enough. Peace, Love and Hope to the World.

  21. Clarence Lyles says:

    Hi, I’m back again. I believe in the twelve vision party whole heartedly , but alot of people are not going to accept what we are bringing to them unless we lead as role models. What we have as a platform and agenda are the greatest thing than slice bread, but we have members out here like myself that does not have a job because of the mistakes of the past that are now tormenting me because those in power know that their power is almost gone now they are trying to enforce the rules and laws of there making to show the people that they are all about business. While we are being deprived of living. If we can not eat or live then we are going to fall into their traps and then we will lose the faith of the people that we are trying to save from this madness of this anti-civilization. This society has all the companies fooled to believing that man can not change. We have to show them that they are wrong. For we are the strong and the just, we are the elite, we are gods-men without question. Thank you

  22. Jeff Arneson says:

    More love needed… Beyond Addicting!

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