Mark Hamilton – Leap Into Value Creation

Read more of Mark Hamilton describing making the leap into value creation and discovering exhilaration.

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15 Responses to Mark Hamilton – Leap Into Value Creation

  1. Karen Lorraine Venn says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for explaining more on Value Creation; we need it in order to become Self-Leaders

  2. Rosa Lerblance says:

    When I started getting the knowledge I felt exhilarating and happy. I knew then I was in control of my mind. I never felt like that before. I wanted to give back to the Society as I am grateful for the knew me.
    Thank You Mark Hamilton Frank R. Wallace and Family.

  3. It could be a wonderful feelings, when ever you have the leap forward in to creation, there you can esperience the live you were meant to be, your whole being would be glorified and exhilaration, happiness e.c.t would fill your walking moments. With, wealth, health and peace will be your way of life.

  4. Richard Crookshank says:

    The power we have as a mastermind group, intagrated honest love has never been seen before now, Watch out AC were coming to get you.

  5. Gregory Klatt says:

    Thats an absolute Mark Hamilton. Oh the Exhileration.

  6. Russ Creamer says:

    Knowing that myself and others are ment to be creaters I look at everyone else a lot different than I use to. I seems I look at them a lot different with more love and appreciation. I love life.

  7. Pat Stanfill says:

    When I was a much younger woman and in the work field, I always had 10 second miracles but never knew that it was exceptional. Every time I worked any where, I would naturally think of what needed to be done and the best way to do it, therefore, I would always go to the highest position in that particular work place. I just felt like everyone was the same. My biggest downfall was my love life. I still have not figured that one out, but it will be my biggest 10 second miracle yet. I know when I recieved my letter of invitation from Mark Hamilton in May 2007, and I accepted it, that was the greatest start of the most incredible journey of the rest of my life. So now I am proud to say that I am with Neothink and all of my growing family and the step into the future is with TVP. See you all there. Pat

  8. Mark Hamilton,

    Value creation is truly the essence of my being. Thank you for reminding me.

  9. Lila Bennett says:

    Reading Mark Hamilton’s writing and interacting with other Members in the Neothink Society just opened me up totally to tap into the potential that I AM, then to plumb my depths to bring out all the creativity from within my core self, to effortlessly apply my abilities and talents I already knew about and discover some I didn’t know I had within me! It is totally exhilarating and fulfilling to exercise such creativity!!! My Peak times in the past have become my daily, weekly, experiences.

    It is kind of like “Who could ask for more?”, yet I find myself asking for even more and having my sources of creativity expanding in answer to this internal impulse to evolve into the BEST I can become! Can I say WOW!!! YES!!!

    Love, Lila

  10. Important Values belong to you, as the Creator of them!

  11. Russ Creamer says:

    Value Creation. Almost sounds too good to be true. I feel awsome just knowing I was ment to create. I am very happy when I wake up everyday. And when I go to sleep at night I sleep many times better than ever before. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

  12. William says:

    I have always wanted to be a value creator. With what I am learning in the Neothink Society I am well on my way. Thank you for the value you have provided for me.

  13. Kay Samalin says:

    “Deeper love for life.” I love it. I think about it as I go through my day. I think about loving myself and each person I have contact with. I am feeling the excitement Mark Hamilton teaches us. It is beautiful.


  14. I know this is very true!

  15. Peter E. says:

    Mr Mark, Iwant to really thank you personally for this Mat. Wow Where i have you and myself been? Thanks AGAIN, Look foward to meeting Youself.

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